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The city of Salisbury in Wiltshire, normally pronounced 'Solzbree' or 'Zawzbree' by locals. Salisbury is a cathedral city which grew up to replace a Roman town with pre-Roman origins on its north-eastern hill called Sarum (or Old Sarum). It is famous for its cathedral which has the tallest spire in the UK. Has a Welsh name of Caersallog which is quite unusual for a town away from far western England however with a long bardic history and connection to druidic Salisbury Plain on which Stonehenge and other mesolithic sides have pan-Celtic resonance. A further connection there to Wales is the large boulders themselves hewn from Wales reflecting the earliest warring population patterns in Britain on the higher land both across the land and across elevated sites across England and Wales.

Recent city comments:

  • A3094 Netherhamton Road, Caroline (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    This is a RESIDENTIAL road, not part of Salisbury's bypass! Traffic should use the a36. It should not be part of a 'ring road' ; I know, I live on it.
  • Old Sarum, santanupal wrote 10 years ago:
    Old Sarum: archaeologists reveal plan of medieval city.
  • Salisbury, tonye100 wrote 12 years ago:
    The spire has a pronounced twist and also leans due to unseasoned wood used during its construction.
  • Sailsbury Sewage Treatment Works, Darren Fare (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Spending the day at the Salisbury Sewage Treatment Works installing a new motor and gearbox , pop round and say hello , i'll get ya a coffee
  • Wiltshire College (Salisbury), Barry (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    It is crap.
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